As I'm cleaning out the fridge, I noticed a jar of mincemeat in the back. Mincemeat, for those of you unfamiliar with the term, is a blend of chopped applesa and dried fruit, sugar and spices. Up until recent times, mincemeat actually contained meat, as a way to use up meat scraps that would otherwise spoil and go to waste. I had never had it, but was willing to try it when I saw it on the clearance rack at Randall's.
Since we had opened the jar to taste it, I figured I'd better use it, or the chickens would be getting it. So I dug around in the freezer, found some pie shells (Pie crust is one of the few things I never can make worth a damn), filled one, slapped the other on top, and in the oven. And what came out was this:
Since mincemeat is traditionally served with hard sauce, I made some to go with it. Hard sauce is butter mixed with vanilla and powdered sugar, kind of a really sweet butter spread. Good tho!
If you like really sweet desserts, then I would recommend mince pie, sweet and tasty!