Food Porn is food that is prepared and arranged in a provocative, almost sexual manner. And yet, oh so much more! In the U.S., the term originally meant junk food. I, don't however agree with that at all. Food Porn to me is food that makes you blurt out something involuntary, have a sharp intake of breath, makes you immediately smile in anticipation. Sorry, but a Big Mac never elicits that kind of reaction, at least from me anyway. Iron Chef is considered to be food porn at it's highest. (The Japanese version, not the suck-ass American version.) I remember the Iron Chef gatherings, when everyone would pile into someones living room to eat the potluck we brought, consume your intoxicant of choice, and watch IC. Many a fun Friday evening! I still watch some of my favorites in reruns, and they are still fun. Food Porn is food in an aspect that makes you WANT it. That's why t.v. advertising works so well, they can create images that triggers that want, and so you go out and buy the product. In the case of fast food, a Whataburger doesn't get the same response as a rib eye steak. It's fun, it makes us feel good, and at least for now, it's still legal.
While we didn't get a great amount off the spring garden, these were some of the best! Dressed with a little lemon vinegarette, they made a most tasty meal.
Welcome to Food Porn, the blog for people who love food. Doesn't matter what kind, as long as it's good! So grab a drink, get comfortable, and read some (food) Porn!
Where to start.....I have as many interests as 5 people combined. I've done lots of things, seen lots of things, and had many experiences, some of which border on the slightly unbelievable.